Tuesday, January 25, 2011


Hi guys, hope you had a good Tuesday...I sure did, it was my day off!

I headed to KC this am for my laser hair treatment (only 6 more to go!) while I was there, I stopped by my beloved...Charming Charlie!! If I'm being honest, I went there for 1 item..slippers like I got Amber for Christmas. Well..little did I know I would be walking into a MEGA sale! They had a TON of stuff marked 50% off, then it was an ADDITIONAL 75% off the already half off stuff! I got that sweater on the left (kinda like a vest, but a tad longer), the fuzzy slippers on the right,6 bracelets, 8 earings, 2 rings and a watch with 7 fun bands (for momma-cita) all for $40! I practically skipped outta there! It was fun buying stuff out of my "norm" because I thought, hey, whats to lose for $1 and $2!
On my way home, I stopped by my friend Melisa's house to see her sweet new baby, and pick up GS cookies I definitley DON'T need! (but secretly excited about) Then it was home to get ready for our date.

Dinner was good, I had a wedge salad and crab cakes, Cam had a pizza he is still talking about (says its the best pizza he ever had) While I was at Melisa's, she had mentioned 3 spoons, a new yogurt place in Larryville.. which is just like Yogurt Inn we found in Vegas, or Yogurt-tini that Laura and I always go to. And I don't use "always" lightly...seriously, every time we are in KC. Anyways, 3 spoons is good! And wouldn't you know it, it was "2 punch Tuesday" so even more the reason to go back to get our punch card filled up ;) Then we stopped by the liquor store to get my new favorite wine, Pacific Rim Sweet Riesling. Thank you Laura for this introduction!

Doesn't Cam look foxy? And my nugget look abnormally large?
Stay tuned for our weekly weight loss update...

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