Thursday, February 25, 2010

Celeb Crushes

So my girls Molly and Lindsey posted their celeb crushes, and I wanted to join in on the fun! I must comment before I go any further, that although I liked their crushes, Im not down with the Michael Buble choice. I LOVE his music, but just not sold that he likes females....just sayin..

Woody!! I think this man is so sexy! I love the gap between his front teeth too!! mmmmm!

Ok, I must preface this one with the fact that I have never been attracted to a brotha...just not my thing. However, I think its Terrance Howards voice that gets me on him!

CHANNING!! Sorry this one is so small, it was taken from my cell phone when he got out of my bed this morning! :)

Gary Allan. Hes hot. His music is good. Enough said.


  1. OH my gosh! I'm LAUGHING OUT LOUD right now! You crack me up, seriously! Good call on Gary Allen, yum!

  2. I about peed my pants reading this...I think we all LOVE Channing!
